All types of roofing materials have their advantages and disadvantages, so you will need to decide which one will meet your specific needs and preferences. But deciding on one material from all the others on the market can be overwhelming. To help you make the right choice, here are some of the common types of roofing materials with all their pros and cons.

types of roofing materials

The Pros and Cons of Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are one of the most widely used materials on the market, and they come with many advantages. Not only can they protect your home for many years with very little maintenance, but they’re also easy to install. This is what makes asphalt shingles such an attractive choice for homeowners. They’re one of the most affordable options on the market.  If your roof deck is in good condition, they can be installed over your old shingles. They do, however, have some drawbacks. Because of their light weight, asphalt shingles tend to crack. They also need to be installed in warmer temperatures. Because they’re prone to damage, they don’t last as long as some of the other choices.

The Pros and Cons of Clay Tile

A clay tile roof is practically fireproof, and it doesn’t require a lot of maintenance. It also has a lifespan of approximately 50 years (though some clay tiles can last up to a century). Archaeologists have even found Grecian roof tiles from 3,000 BC that are still in good condition. While they cost more than many other types of roofing materials, their natural beauty makes them worth the extra money. Because they work well in hot climates, they’re a great choice for residents of the Coastal Bend. However, clay tiles aren’t easy to install. They’re also heavy, so you need to make sure your roof deck can handle the extra weight.

The Pros and Cons of Spanish Tile

Because they’re made with no chemical preservatives, Spanish tile roofs are completely recyclable. They can also provide good ventilation and insulation, which can keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. Because of their durability, they’re more resistant to bad weather. You can be sure that a Spanish tile roof will be one of the strongest and weather-resistant types of roofing you can install. But despite their advantages, Spanish tile roofs have their drawbacks. Because they’re considered to be “luxury roofing materials,” Spanish tile roofs will cost more than most of the other choices. They’re also heavy, which will place a significant burden on your roof deck.

The Pros and Cons of Concrete Tile

Concrete tile roofs are strong and versatile, which is why they’re being used in many homes throughout the country. They can also be made to look like other types of roofing materials (such as slate, wood shake, clay, or stone). Concrete tile roofs are known for their durability. In many cases, they can last up to 50 years (or even longer) with very little to no maintenance. But because they’re so heavy, concrete tiles will need more structural reinforcement. You will need to inspect the underlayment and roof deck to make sure they can support the extra weight.

The Pros and Cons of Metal Wood Shake

Because of what they’re made of, metal wood shake roofs are built to be tough. They’re also resistant to fire and most forms of bad weather. If they’re properly maintained, metal shake roofs can last for several decades. They can also reflect heat, which can be an advantage for residents of the Coastal Bend. They can even be recycled, which can benefit the environment. Because they’re made to look like real wood, they can give your home a great deal of curb appeal. There are, however, some downsides that need to be considered. Not only are they expensive and noisy, but they’re also prone to dents and thermal expansion (which can make maintenance both time-consuming and expensive).

The Pros and Cons of Stone-Coated Steel

Stone-coated steel roofs have a number of advantages, and one of them is their lifespan (which is 40-70 years). Because they can take more punishment than many other types of roofing, installing them can go a long way toward improving your home’s long-term value. They can also eliminate most of the costs that are associated with repairing and maintaining traditional roofs. They can even come in a number of colors, textures, and designs. But one major downside to stone-coated steel is the price tag. Metal shingles can cost twice as much to install than asphalt shingles, so it’s not the cheapest option on the market.

If you’re looking for one of the best roofers in Corpus Christi, be sure to get in touch with Bayfront Roofing.